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National Institutes of Health HIPAA Privacy Rule - Information for Researchers
This website is currently in the process of being updated. For guidance on the HIPAA Privacy Rule in research, please see:

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HIPAA Privacy Rule Booklet for Research

Health Services Research and the HIPAA Privacy Rule

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Slide Presentations

National Institutes of Health
Slide Presentation on the Privacy Rule and Research

Slide 28:
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Required Documentation of a Waiver or Alteration of Authorization Includes:

  1. Identity of the approving IRB or Privacy Board.
  2. Date on which the waiver or alteration was approved.
  3. A statement that the IRB or Privacy Board has determined that all of the specified criteria for a waiver or an alteration were met.
  4. A brief description of the PHI for which use or access has been determined by the IRB or Privacy Board to be necessary in connection with the specific research activity.
  5. A statement that the waiver or alteration was reviewed and approved under either normal or expedited review procedures.
  6. The required signature of the IRB or Privacy Board chair or the chair’s designee.

Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health USAGov The HIPAA Privacy Rule